The challenge of education in the modern World

Contemporary life is deeply influenced by rapid technological progress as well as the environment and social crisis. Faced with unpredictable change and insecurity, the young generation is easily influenced by materialistic values and the moral degrading ideas of our times. Must they accept this world as it is? Academic pressure, peer pressure, parental expectations and media influence leave very little room for independent thinking and a wholesome development. Must they grow up in order to fit into society or should they learn to question deeply what they see?

Foundation –

Through comprehensive and balanced curriculum coupled with challenging exercises, school’s focus is to develop individual talents of the students and teach them to relate the experiences of the classroom to the realities of the world outside. We believe in concept based learning. Education must be absorbed not just learned.

There is a planned curriculum to ensure a balance between the search for understanding the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills.

This involves –

  • Development of positive attitude and a platform that promotes positive actions.
  • An approach combined with intellectual vigor, high academics standard, positive attitude and an urge to grow up high as globalized citizens with Indian values.
  • Teacher: pupil ratio 1:20 so as to give a detail-oriented individual attention.
  • Psychometric evaluation of your child every year so as to keep a check on individual growth.
  • Exclusively trained staff who have a passion for teaching children with innovative and creative curriculum ideas to give an all round development, which is Vedaant’s