The teaching program developed by Vedaant Vidhyakulum School has classes that are interactive and where spontaneity is actively encouraged. The hands-on activity is seamlessly woven with extensive and focused exercises for reinforcement. The objective is to approach knowledge from a holistic development style, which ensures that the student actively participates in the learning process. Sports with multi-faceted co-curricular activities are woven into the daily school schedule to ensure that a healthy body nourishes an active mind.

  • 06.00 am – The school begins with warm up, yoga, and meditation session, followed by morning routine with a healthy and nutritious breakfast.
  • 08.00 am – Assembly starts, which renders peace to young minds and brings tranquility in the environment.
  • 08.20 am – The children join interactive sessions till 2:00 pm.
  • 02.00-03.00 pm – The school routine is followed by a personalized time to relax and take a short nap.
  • 03:00–3:20 pm – Light Snacks with milk in the cafeteria to begin an energetic evening.
  • 03.30-04.30 pm – Specialized sports training with professional coaches to reinforce fitness.
  • 4:30-6:30 pm – After play time, everyone is in library for the day-long revisions and assignments under the guidance of the subject experts that overall help in maintaining interest toward the studies.
  • 07.00-08.00 pm – Dinner is served to all after the busy day with national / international news on T.V
  • 8:00-9:00 pm – Recreational time to spend with friends under the open sky to relax and rejuvenate the tired minds.